Package: GCIMS 0.1.1

GCIMS: Pre-processing for GC-IMS data

A package for the analysis of ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) measurements, as well as samples from multicapillary columns coupled with IMS (MCC-IMS) and gas chromatography coupled to ion mobility spectrometry (GC-IMS). The package provides a complete workflow for the analysis, importing the data, preprocessing the spectra as well as classification and regression techniques for the modelling of the spectra. The package also includes visualization helpers, to represent topographic plots, extracted and total ion chromatograms and IMS spectra.

Authors:Sergio Oller Moreno [aut, cre], Celia Mallafré Muro [aut], Luis Fernandez [aut], Eduardo Caballero Saldivar [aut], Arnau Blanco Borrego [aut], Antonio Pardo Matínez [aut], Santiago Marco Colás [aut], Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia [cph]

GCIMS.pdf |GCIMS.html
GCIMS/json (API)

# Install 'GCIMS' in R:
install.packages('GCIMS', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:




5.43 score 3 stars 6 scripts 57 exports 61 dependencies

Last updated 4 months agofrom:beef75b4cf. Checks:1 OK, 7 NOTE. Indexed: no.

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Doc / VignettesOKFeb 25 2025
R-4.5-winNOTEFeb 25 2025
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R-4.5-linuxNOTEFeb 25 2025
R-4.4-winNOTEFeb 25 2025
R-4.4-macNOTEFeb 25 2025
R-4.3-winNOTEFeb 25 2025
R-4.3-macNOTEFeb 25 2025



Creating a workflow step

Rendered fromcreating-a-workflow-step.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 25 2025.

Last update: 2023-12-05
Started: 2022-11-29

Importing custom data formats

Rendered fromimporting-custom-data-formats.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 25 2025.

Last update: 2023-03-31
Started: 2023-02-23

Introduction to GCIMS

Rendered fromintroduction-to-gcims.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 25 2025.

Last update: 2024-05-06
Started: 2022-01-10

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Add peak list rectangles to a raw plotadd_peaklist_rect
Align a GCIMS datasetalign,GCIMSDataset-method
Align a GCIMSSample object, in retention timealign,GCIMSSample-method
Align a GCIMSSample in drift time with a multiplicative correctionalignDt
Plots to interpret alignment resultsalignPlots
Align a GCIMSSample in retention time with a multiplicative correctionalignRt_ip
Align a GCIMSSample in retention time with parametric optimized warpingalignRt_pow
Align a GCIMSSample in retention time using parametric time warpingalignRt_ptw
Turn the intensity matrix into a data
Group peaks in clustersclusterPeaks
Create a table for defining dataset annotationscreate_annotations_table
Cubic root transformationcubic_root_trans
Decimate a GCIMS dataset keeping 1 out of n pointsdecimate,GCIMSDataset-method
Decimates a GCIMS sampledecimate,GCIMSSample-method
Create a DelayedOperation objectDelayedOperation
Delayed Operation classDelayedOperation-class
Download three samples (6-ketone mixture)download_three_ketones_dataset
Get the drift time of the chromatogramdtime,GCIMSChromatogram-method
Get A reference drift time vector for the datasetdtime,GCIMSDataset-method
Estimate the baseline of a GCIMS Chromatogram using a connect local minima algorithmbaseline,GCIMSChromatogram-method baseline<-,GCIMSChromatogram-method estimateBaseline,GCIMSChromatogram-method
Estimate the baseline of a GCIMS Sample using a connect local minima algorithmestimateBaseline,GCIMSDataset-method
Estimate the baseline of a GCIMS Sample using a connect local minima algorithmbaseline,GCIMSSample-method baseline<-,GCIMSSample-method estimateBaseline,GCIMSSample-method
Estimate the baseline of a GCIMS Spectrum using a connect local minima algorithmbaseline,GCIMSSpectrum-method baseline<-,GCIMSSpectrum-method estimateBaseline,GCIMSSpectrum-method
Filter GCIMSDataset samples by drift timefilterDt,GCIMSDataset-method
Filter GCIMSSample samples by drift timefilterDt,GCIMSSample-method
Filter GCIMSDataset samples by retention timefilterRt,GCIMSDataset-method
Filter GCIMSSample samples by retention timefilterRt,GCIMSSample-method
Find Peaks in an objectfindPeaks
Peak detection for a GCIMSChromatogramfindPeaks,GCIMSChromatogram-method
Peak detection on the GCIMS datasetfindPeaks,GCIMSDataset-method
Peak detection for a GCIMSSamplefindPeaks,GCIMSSample-method
Peak detection for a GCIMSSpectrumfindPeaks,GCIMSSpectrum-method
GCIMS Genericsalign baseline baseline<- decimate dtime estimateBaseline filterDt GCIMS-generics getRIC getTIS integratePeaks plotRIC plotTIS prealign
Create a GCIMSChromatogram objectGCIMSChromatogram
GCIMSChromatogram description,GCIMSChromatogram-method description<-,GCIMSChromatogram,ANY-method GCIMSChromatogram-class peaks,GCIMSChromatogram-method peaks<-,GCIMSChromatogram-method plot,GCIMSChromatogram,ANY-method
GCIMSDatasetGCIMSDataset GCIMSDataset-class
Create a GCIMSSample objectGCIMSSample
GCIMSSample classGCIMSSample-class
Methods for the GCIMSSample classdescription,GCIMSSample-method description<-,GCIMSSample,ANY-method dim.GCIMSSample GCIMSSample-methods peaks,GCIMSSample-method peaks<-,GCIMSSample-method subset subset.GCIMSSample [.GCIMSSample
Drift time, Retention time, Intensity of GCIMSSamplesdtime,GCIMSSample-method GCIMSSample-rtime-dtime-intensity intensity,GCIMSSample-method intensity<-,GCIMSSample-method rtime,GCIMSSample-method
GCIMSSpectrum classdescription,GCIMSSpectrum-method description<-,GCIMSSpectrum,ANY-method dtime,GCIMSSpectrum-method GCIMSSpectrum GCIMSSpectrum-class intensity,GCIMSSpectrum-method peaks,GCIMSSpectrum-method peaks<-,GCIMSSpectrum-method plot,GCIMSSpectrum,ANY-method rtime,GCIMSSpectrum-method
Get the extracted ion chromatogramgetChromatogram
Get Reverse Ion ChromatogramgetRIC,GCIMSDataset-method
Get the reverse ion chromatogramgetRIC,GCIMSSample-method
Get IMS spectrum from a samplegetSpectrum
Get Total Ion Spectra matrixgetTIS,GCIMSDataset-method
Get the total ion spectrumgetTIS,GCIMSSample-method
Impute a Peak tableimputePeakTable
Integrate peaks in a GCIMSDatasetintegratePeaks,GCIMSDataset-method
Peak integration for a GCIMSSampleintegratePeaks,GCIMSSample-method
Get the intensity vectorintensity,GCIMSChromatogram-method
Omit ROIs present in certain retention and drift timesomit_times
Overlay a peak list to a plotoverlay_peaklist
Get/Set the phenotype datapData,GCIMSDataset-method pData<-,GCIMSDataset,ANY-method
Get the peak listpeaks,GCIMSDataset-method peaks<-,GCIMSDataset-method
Build a peak tablepeakTable
Make a plot interactiveplot_interactive
Topographical plot of a GCIMSSample objectplot,GCIMSSample,ANY-method
Plot Reverse Ion ChromatogramsplotRIC,GCIMSDataset-method
Plot Total Ion SpectraplotTIS,GCIMSDataset-method
Align a GCIMSSample object, in drift time and to the injection point in retention timeprealign,GCIMSSample-method
Read .mea files (from GAS Dortmund)read_mea
Runs all delayed operations on the objectrealize
Get the retention time vectorrtime,GCIMSChromatogram-method
Get a reference retention time vector for the datasetrtime,GCIMSDataset-method
Sample namessampleNames,GCIMSDataset-method sampleNames<-,GCIMSDataset,ANY-method
Show progress barshow_progress_bar
Smoothing a GCIMS chromatogram using a Savitzky-Golay filtersmooth,GCIMSChromatogram-method
Smoothing a GCIMS dataset using a Savitzky-Golay filtersmooth,GCIMSDataset-method
Smoothing a GCIMS sample using a Savitzky-Golay filtersmooth,GCIMSSample-method
Smoothing a GCIMS Spectrum using a Savitzky-Golay filtersmooth,GCIMSSpectrum-method
Updates old saved GCIMSSample object to the latest versionupdateObject,GCIMSSample-method