Package: condformat

condformat: Conditional Formatting in Data Frames

Apply and visualize conditional formatting to data frames in R. It renders a data frame with cells formatted according to criteria defined by rules, using a tidy evaluation syntax. The table is printed either opening a web browser or within the 'RStudio' viewer if available. The conditional formatting rules allow to highlight cells matching a condition or add a gradient background to a given column. This package supports both 'HTML' and 'LaTeX' outputs in 'knitr' reports, and exporting to an 'xlsx' file.

Authors:Sergio Oller Moreno [aut, cph, cre]

condformat.pdf |condformat.html
condformat/json (API)

# Install condformat in R:
install.packages('condformat', repos = c('', ''))

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27 exports 25 stars 2.50 score 56 dependencies 1 dependents 1 mentions 1.0k downloads

Last updated 9 months agofrom:c5cc171c65



Introduction to condformat

Rendered fromintroduction.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 06 2024.

Last update: 2017-11-16
Started: 2015-05-20

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
How to export a cf_field to CSScf_field_to_css
How to export a cf_field to grobcf_field_to_gtable
How to export cf values to latexcf_field_to_latex
Conditional formatting for data framescondformat
Shiny bindings for condformatcondformat-shiny condformatOutput condformat_example renderCondformat
Writes the table to an Excel workbookcondformat2excel
Converts the table to a grid objectcondformat2grob
Converts the table to a htmlTable objectcondformat2html
Converts the table to LaTeX codecondformat2latex
Converts the table to a htmlTableWidgetcondformat2widget
Print method for knitr, exporting to HTML or LaTeX as neededknit_print.condformat_tbl
Prints the data frame in an HTML page and shows it.print.condformat_tbl
Apply a CSS style property as a conditional formatting rulerule_css
Fill column with a bar of a length proportional to a valuerule_fill_bar
Fill column with discrete colorsrule_fill_discrete
Fill column with sequential colour gradientrule_fill_gradient
Fill column with sequential color gradientrule_fill_gradient2
Use bold text if a condition is metrule_text_bold
Give a color to the text according to some expressionrule_text_color
Selects the variables to be printedshow_columns
Selects the rows to be printedshow_rows
Sets the caption of a condformat objecttheme_caption
Customizes appearance of condformat objecttheme_grob
Customizes appearance of condformat objecttheme_htmlTable
Customizes appearance of condformat objecttheme_htmlWidget
Customizes appearance of condformat objecttheme_kable